Book Launch - Save the Date!

The ‘birth day’ of my memoir, Light in Bandaged Places: Healing in the Wake of Young Betrayal, is rapidly approaching!

You are all invited to my book launch on August 17, 2023, in Winchester, MA – details on the flyer here. For now, please mark the date in your calendar, and watch for an official invitation with the opportunity to register in the weeks ahead.

Someone recently asked how long I’ve been working on this project. I actually had to do some research to get the timeline right… Here’s a quick summary.

I started just under twenty years ago, long before I imagined what I was writing would ever become a book. I was writing for my own excavation into my past, trying to recall hazy memories. I discovered that writing was a tool to unlock hidden images, feelings, events, and recollections. I wrote on and off for more than ten years.

About seven years ago, I decided to try to shape my writings into a story and publish it. I joined writing groups, took writing classes, and hired a developmental editor to help sculpt way too many words into the story that wanted to be told. I began the process of learning about book publishing and, two years ago, found a publisher, She Writes Press.

The past two years saw more rounds of editing and proofreading, more beta reviewers, and a steep learning curve about the book marketing and publicity business. I was also no longer learning all this alone; my publisher provides a rich community of authors to walk this path with me, sharing resources, experiences, and support.

Which leads to this approaching launch moment! I am happy to be sharing the launch event with a sister memoirist I met through this community, Melinda McCall.

I could say so much more about this journey – this is just the bare outline. What’s missing are all the ups and downs, frustrations, joys, second-guessing, triumphs, and … as the launch approaches, mounting excitement and trepidation about being so public with such a private story.

But, as I have said from the moment I decided to try to publish, doing this is not for me – it is for the girls and the women (and boys and men too) they grow into who have touched similar experiences and may benefit from reading my story.

I would be honored if you could join us on August 17th! No need to respond now, this is just a Save the Date.

PS – you might notice that the launch date, August 17, is before my actual pub date, September 5. Not to worry – even if bookstores aren’t releasing it yet, there will be books for sale and signing at the event!

You’re welcome to leave comments or your own reflections below … and please sign up for my newsletter at the top of this page if you haven’t already.

Liz Kinchen

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher


