Uncertainty is always with us. Yet in these days of the ongoing pandemic, disparities, unrest, loss, and instability, uncertainty can feel particularly overwhelming. Mindfulness and meditation offer inner strength, resilience, and respite from these challenges. As winter enfolds us, and with the constraints currently upon us, we can take this time to enter stillness and discover the joys inherent in life, even amid challenges. This class will draw on the ancient Buddhist teachings and explore ways to apply them to our lives right here and now. We’ll explore the anxiety, loss of control, and impermanence felt in uncertainty. We’ll also discover inner & outer resources, and how compassion can lead to greater freedom and resilience. This 5-week class is open to new and experienced meditators, and will be held over zoom. We will meet weekly on Fridays, February 19 to March 19, 2021 from 12:00-1:15pm. Fee is $130. Sliding scale is available. To register email me: liz@lizkinchen.com
Registration is closed; this class is underway.